If you have very specific areas say for example travelling or blogging, feel free to include them as separate areas too. I also evaluate my creativity under this category. It evaluates if you are managing your stress levels, doing something outside your work and being re-energised.

It evaluates how organised you are and how you keep you and your environment comfortable and safe. This area reflects your environment – home, car, office room/desk etc and your personal appearance.

I also evaluate my lifestyle choices in this area. This area reflects your financials – your income, expenditure, investments and debt management. It could be your career or your business or even the one thing you throw your life at like art, sports, academics or home management. It evaluates your relationships across all categories – romance, friendship, family commitments, making new friends, being a team player and emotional IQ. This area helps you evaluate your self-esteem and also will push you out of your comfort zone to learn new things and explore new experiences. It evaluates how much you love yourself and also what you are doing to improve and empower yourself. It evaluates your eating habits, exercise, sleeping habits, stress and energy levels. It also helps me evaluate what contribution in terms of energy, time and money I am giving back to the society. For me, this area evaluates my personal connection with my God. This can mean different things for different people. This area reflects your inner world – your inner beauty and your inner peace. I have a favourite list of eight and here are the areas I have got written down. This can be roles you play in your life too (for example, spouse, parent, child, manager, community leader, employee). Even before you even get to drawing part, the first step would be to grab a pencil and paper or open a text editor on your computer and list down 6-8 most important areas in your life. This vivid representation of your satisfaction with life is called the “Wheel of Life” because each area of your life is mapped like the spokes of a wheel on a circle. Instead, this Wheel of Life gives you a bird’s eye view of your life and will help you identify and improve areas of your life that need more attention. And, No, this is not related to the Buddhist Wheel of Life. It is a very popular tool amongst life coaches and I first learned about it while reading the book Brilliant Life by Michael Heppell. This tool was originally created by Paul J Meyer (founder of Success Motivation Institute Inc). The Wheel of Life is an excellent foundation exercise that will help you create more balance and sense of achievement in your life. This is where a very popular life coaching tool called Wheel of Life comes handy. And sometimes, we may be dissatisfied about certain aspects about our lives but being in denial of that will prevent us from setting positive nurturing goals. Sometimes it can feel very overwhelming when it comes to setting goals for self-improvement.