To make money you can sell the items you salvaged or crafted for some profit to buy new things. With this, you can buy stuff from shops floating in space. What I haven’t mentioned yet, the economy system is really nice. Due to its early development status there are quite a few bugs and not finished features, like planets that only generate the upper half of themselves so that the planets look like spheres that are perfectly cut in the middle. This maybe doesn’t sound like much, but just like in minecraft(I know I´m using this example much too often) you have nearly infinite planets to explore in this universe. Those planets aren’t as big as the world of minecraft but they are big enough to build some stuff on it and mine enough resources. There´s also a crafting system implemented and, just like in minecraft you can craft own ship/station parts with minerals you find on the asteroids and planets in space. Yes you heard right, you can travel to other planets and built a hangar or headquarters on their surfaces. Then they are in your inventory and you can place them wherever you want on your ship,space station or planet. You mine blocks from asteroids or salvage them from player or NPC ships. The building mechanic is as simple as it is in minecraft. You can even build huge space stations for your faction when you play in multiplayer. You can build a little frigate, a mining ship, a freighter or even huge capital ships and destroyers. From this point you can build anything you want. You start by placing a ship-core block in space. You start with some items in your inventory which are necessary to build your first spacecraft to explore the universe.

You get thrown into a procedural generated universe in which you can roam around freely. The gameplay is just what you expect from a minecraft-like game.

Well, I guess there´s some backstory to the universe but I didn’t really care about reading all the wiki entries. Just like Minecraft, StarMade doesn’t have any story to talk about. StarMade is a Minecraft-inspired space exploration sandbox game in which you built yourself (or with friends in the multiplayer) a space imperium.